sábado, junio 19, 2004

CSI2 Online Game - Juego en linea de CSI

To enter to the game:
[click here]

Para entrar al juego:
[click aquí]

domingo, junio 13, 2004

Articulos de Opinion

The owner of this page is who invited me to gmail!

El autor de esta pagina web fue quien me invito a gmail!

Enter / Entrar

1TB email account!

Today I've seen that in http://www.youvegotpost.com you can get 1Tb free email accounts! (~1000Gb)

Hoy me he enterado que en http://www.youvegotpost.com ofrecen cuentas de correo electrónico de haste 1 Terabyte (~1000Gb)

sábado, junio 12, 2004

2Gb email account!

To get a free 2Gb email account click here
Para obtener una cuenta de correo de 2Gb haz click aquí


Use this search engine to find words descriptions, and humour images! Its cool! The page is in SPANISH.

Usa este buscador para encontrar descripciones de palabras e imagenes de humor. Está muy entretenida!

Para entrar: click aquí!

My preferred Operating System!

I use Guadalinex (Debian Linux). You can download from this web. It's free! This web is in SPANISH. (=

Este es el que utilizo. Guadalinex (Linux de Debian). Puedes bajartelo gratis de esta web!


My web page server - Mi servidor web!

This is the best web server i've found! It has only one pop-up each 24h, and a little icon at the botton of the web page! It support PHP, MySQL, detailed statistics, etc. You can get 500 MB of free space! [The page is in Spanish]

Este es el mejor servidor web que he encontrado! Tiene solo un pop-up cada 24h, y un pequeño icono en la parte de abajo de la página web! Tiene soporte PHP, MySQL, estadísticas detalladas, etc. Puedes conseguir hasta 500 MB de espacio!

To visit: click here

A.I. - I.A.

The following web page is in both idioms! (=
La siguiente página web está en los dos idiomas! (=

This page is about Artificial Intelligence! I suggest you to visit. It's very interesting!

Esta página va sobre inteligencia artificial! Te recomiendo que la visites. Es muy interesante!

[Click here to enter - Click aquí para entrar]

viernes, junio 11, 2004

GameBoy Advance developping! - Desarrollo GBA!

With all this information you will be able to develop you own gameboy advance game! To enter: click here

Con toda esta información, podrás desarrollar tus propios juegos para la gameboy advance! Para entrar: pulsa aquí! [En inglés]

Another google info page! (It's cool)

Here you can find lots of information about google's world. Don't wait a second! Click here [in Spanish]

Aquí puedes encontrar grandes cantidades de información sobre google. No esperes ni un segundo! Haz click aquí

Whould you like to know when you will die?

In this page you will be able to know when you will die!
Check it here!

En esta página podrás saber cuando moriras!
Compruebalo aquí!

More than 2800 Messenger Icons!

Today I've found this web! It has a lot of icons for the MNS Messeneger. To view:
click here

jueves, junio 10, 2004


This page is about something!
This page exists because in internet it has to be everythig! XDDD
check it here

All about rol games!

To enter in a community of forums about all roll games, I suggest this page:

click here to enter

Games WorkShop

This page is about strategy rol games with small models, like Warhammer fantasy, Warhammer 40000, Necromunda, etc.

To visit: click here

miércoles, junio 09, 2004

The orkut community!

Already you haven't heard about orkut!???
I'm a member!!!!!!
click here

The world of Emulators is here!

Here you can find a whole resource set of emulators. So, what you are waiting for?
There is a lot of information about emulators!
click here

Valladolid Programming Contest Site

This is only for personal use. :-)
But if you like programming, here is about 15000 problems.
You can try to solve them, and send to the web page. A computer will test your program, and it will decide if your program is correct. (There is a rank list, etc.)

It's very funny. To enter: click here

An interesting Google page!

This page is in Spanish, here you can find a lot of information about GOOGLE.
To enter click here

My University page!

If you like to check what we do in our University, click here There is a lot of information!

lunes, junio 07, 2004

The best humor page on internet!

You can visit it clicking here

It's funny!